We are developing a new ASP.NET web application in Visual studio 2008. Last week we’ve decided to use HttpHandlers instead of some web pages. And as we used to do in Visual Studio 2005 web sites created an App_code folder after that we created new classes under that folder. Then we noticed that there is […]
Access to Session State from Http Handler
Sometimes you need to use Http handlers to respond to requests rather than classical asp.net pages. At that times if you want to use session objects you will see that HttpContext.Current.Session is null. If you want to read session state from you http handler your http handler must implement System.Web.SessionState.IReadOnlySessionState interface. If you want to […]
Anti XSS Library Decode Method
If you are using Anti XSS Library, you’ve noticed that it doesn’t have any decoding methods. It is because library aims preventing XSS attacks. If you want to decode your content you can use Server.HtmlDecode method. Do not re-write the code that already written. 🙂 Cross Site Scription