Automatic Form Filling with Selenium

Installing the Selenium IDE Plugin We will primarily use the Google Chrome browser for this job. If Chrome is not installed on your system, download it first and complete the installation.To download “Selenium IDE”, visit “”. Find the “Selenium IDE” plugin by typing “Selenium” in the search box. Click on the “Selenium IDE” plugin to […]

Single File Publishing

When you publish your programs probably you see bunch of other files along with your executable. You may want package your published files to single file. Here is how to do it: Edit your project file. Add these lines to your config file. <!– Publish single file settings –> <PublishSingleFile>true</PublishSingleFile> <SelfContained>true</SelfContained> <RuntimeIdentifier>win-x64</RuntimeIdentifier> <PublishReadyToRun>true</PublishReadyToRun> <!– Publish […]

No process is associated with this object

PS: English version is at the bottom.  Bu hata mesajı ile ilk karşılaştığınızda biraz afallayabilir, hatta panik olabilirsiniz. Önceki view işleminde açık kalan uygulama var ise kapatıp tekrar deneyiniz. Kestrel yerine IIS Express ile çalıştırmak da sorunun yaşanmasını önleyebilir. — ENGLISH: When you first encounter this error message, you may be a little stunned or […]

Remove White Space with Regex

Here is a very handy extension method to remove white spaces from strings.     1 public static string RemoveWhiteSpace(this string TextToRemoveWhiteSpaces)     2 {     3     string pattern = "\\s+";     4     string replacement = " ";     5     string result = Regex.Replace(TextToRemoveWhiteSpaces, pattern, replacement);     6     return result;     7 } Adapted from Happy […]

C# Character Escape Sequences

\' – single quote, needed for character literals \" – double quote, needed for string literals \\ – backslash \0 – Unicode character 0 \a – Alert (character 7) \b – Backspace (character 8) \f – Form feed (character 12) \n – New line (character 10) \r – Carriage return (character 13) \t – Horizontal […]

How do delete sourcesafe .scc

.scc files used by Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, that integrates with Visual Studio; contains source code control information used to get and commit developer files; used by the application for managing local copies of projects under source control. SCC files are never committed to the version control repository. Instead, they are used for communicating with the […]

SQL Server Object Dependency

It’s always hard to make modifications to code or database design especially if you don’t know anything about the business process. In sql server 2005 (or 2008) you can use sp_depends stored procedure to obtain dependency between the objects such as table, view or stored procedure. For example just run ‘sp_depends Users’ script to determine […]

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