You can add the <location> element with the “inheritInChildApplications” attribute to the root web.config. This attribute will prevent child applications inherit some specified configuration from the root web.config. The attribute must be placed in the <configuration> section of the web.config. It looks like this: Referance: SectionInformation.InheritInChildApplications Property
How to use a method from class in other namespaces at .aspx pages
You can use using statement to inculde different namespaces in you code behind file. But still you can’t call methods from classes that live in other namespaces (Different from you page class namespace) from you content pages (.aspx). To make this work you must use import namespace directive after you page directive. This can be […]
SiteMapPath Url Querystring problem
When you are using the SiteMapPath control page Urls with the querystrings, pages don't show the control. Because url can't be matched with url in your Web.Sitemap file. To handle this situation, a little web.sitemap file trick is enough. Write the static part of your Url and define the dynamic querystring parameters at "reliantOn" attribute. […]
Timespan and Databases
When you are developing application you may need to store timespan database. (Assuming you are using Sql Server 2005) TimeSpan.TotalSeconds can be used to store. This returns a double. And maps to decimal data type of the sql server. For reverse action to get the time span you can use TimeSpan.FromSeconds method. This will give […]
Problem with classes under App_Code folder in VS 2008
We are developing a new ASP.NET web application in Visual studio 2008. Last week we’ve decided to use HttpHandlers instead of some web pages. And as we used to do in Visual Studio 2005 web sites created an App_code folder after that we created new classes under that folder. Then we noticed that there is […]
Culture ‘tr’ is a neutral culture. It cannot be used in formatting and parsing and therefore cannot be set as the thread’s current culture.
You get this error, when you use neutral culture name to set culture of the application. 1 System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("tr"); 2 System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci; 3 System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci; To prevent this error you can use explicit culture name like "tr-TR" or use the code below: 1 System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("tr"); Happy coding.
Register your user controls and custom controls in Web.Config
In ASP.NET web application you can develop user controls and custom server controls to increase your productivity and decrease code repetition. To use these user controls at your web pages you can register like this: <%@ Register Src="Controls/somecontrol.ascx" TagName="SomeControl" TagPrefix="myPrefix" %> And use like this: <html> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <myPrefix:header ID="SomeControl1" runat="server" /> </form> </body> </html> The registration step can […]