When you are using the SiteMapPath control page Urls with the querystrings, pages don't show the control. Because url can't be matched with url in your Web.Sitemap file. To handle this situation, a little web.sitemap file trick is enough. Write the static part of your Url and define the dynamic querystring parameters at "reliantOn" attribute. […]
How to use overloaded methods with ASP.NET Web Services
In .NET world it’s very common to write methods with same name but different parameters. This is called overloading. And if you use this technique wisely you can prevent some code repetation. But in the web services world of .net its not allowed by default. If you try you get an exception says : “Bla, […]
Access to Session State from Http Handler
Sometimes you need to use Http handlers to respond to requests rather than classical asp.net pages. At that times if you want to use session objects you will see that HttpContext.Current.Session is null. If you want to read session state from you http handler your http handler must implement System.Web.SessionState.IReadOnlySessionState interface. If you want to […]