PS: English version is at the bottom. Bu hata mesajı ile ilk karşılaştığınızda biraz afallayabilir, hatta panik olabilirsiniz. Önceki view işleminde açık kalan uygulama var ise kapatıp tekrar deneyiniz. Kestrel yerine IIS Express ile çalıştırmak da sorunun yaşanmasını önleyebilir. — ENGLISH: When you first encounter this error message, you may be a little stunned or […]
Build Macros of Visual Studio
If you’re working with lot of projects, or you want to release your DLL to specific location you may need to add some extra actions to to your build. For example. You have project that uses a DLL of another project of another solution. Sometimes you build your DLL in debug mode, sometimes you build […]
VS 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0
This is the announcement of the release date for VS 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 of March 22, 2010!